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Sustainable business practices have inspired Kay’s work since the 1990’s. She loves to engage in work that enriches society, the environment and people whilst making the numbers work.

Kay has strategic experience with the sustainable enterprise initiative since the 1990s. After leaving work as a mergers & acquisitions, investment banker with JP Morgan to undertake more philanthropic work, Kay joined a start up, not-for-profit equity syndicator (a.k.a. basically investment finance). The business competed against for-profit banks and utility companies for multi-million US$ investments. Not taking exorbitant salaries and reinvesting profits into the communities they built meant the business could offer a competitive advantage (a socially responsible advantage) over competitors. Some competitor banks and utility companies closed their competing departments and chose to invest their equity in our investment funds. This was in the 1990s and early 2000s when the idea of sustainability or corporate social responsibility was not well known nor defined and certainly not widely embraced.

As Executive Vice President, Kay managed a third of a billion US$ in equity investments, spearheaded new national best practices for investing, raised revenues 720% and, importantly, helped economically disadvantaged buy their first homes among other special community initiatives. She was invited to help inform the sustainability revolution in business schools by serving on Kenan Flagler Business School’s Sustainable Enterprise Initiative in the 1990s and Base of the Pyramid Learning Lab. Kay went on to earn an MBA with Distinction at one of the few business schools at the time that had sustainability on the curriculum. She served as an associate tutor on the Leadership & Strategy Team at Ashridge’s MBA program, developing one of the first case studies considering sustainability in business. Sustainable business has been a part of Kay’s ethos for decades.

Squirrel away acorns and enjoy more rewards for your time

Squirrel away acorns and enjoy more rewards for your time

We value your time with us!

Join the Telos acorn rewards program

Did you know your time with Telos counts toward our acorn rewards program? You earn points, ‘acorns’, based on the time spent (not £ spent) of the Telos service you attend.

For example, when you attend and pay for a 60 minute clinic session or a 60 minute Qigong class, your time earns you 60 Telos acorns. The acorn rewards program offers ways to save on Telos services and other incentives to help improve quality of life through a whole-body approach to physical wellbeing. Depending on acorn level status, up to 2,000 acorns can be redeemed at a time to offset up to £20 of a 60 minute full-priced treatment service for yourself. Click the link if you want to see more about participation benefits. Participation in the acorn rewards program and earning acorns is available to those clients in good standing.

Earn extra acorns with healthier travel options

Sometimes we offer chances to earn extra acorns to promote healthy living habits and/or eco-effective habits that support a healthy living environment for our community. In 2021, get 20-30% extra acorns for sustainable transport to Telos services and associated events. You’ll earn 20% extra acorns if you’re driving and using a vehicle that would qualify for exemption under the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ). This generally applies to petrol cars registered from 2005 or diesel from 2015 - check to see if your car qualifies online. Sustainable transport methods that earn you top acorns at 30% include: traveling on foot, cycling or using public transport and/or electric vehicles. If you travel via taxi please note some taxis have electric vehicles - you may be able to request or find one that does. We cannot always be sure how you have travelled so please don’t assume we will mark acorns rewards for you unless you ask us to do so. Be prepared to provide registration details.

Earn extra acorns with broadband/ISP and green electricity suppliers

The covid-19 pandemic inspired a new acorn benefit as we were no longer able to travel to appointments or classes. When attending online services we are travelling virtually, relying on electricity and broadband. So in 2021, for clients who have a top ranked ethical broadband supplier, you’ll get a 20% boost to your acorns for services attended via video conference. For those individuals who have a green electricity supplier for their home energy, you will also get a 10% boost to your acorns for the same online service. How do you get these benefits? Please send Kay a copy of your broadband and/or energy supplier statement from the last six months or evidence that you’ve switched to a new supplier recently.

The bigger the acorn stash, the better the rewards

We reward clients who establish a long-term, ongoing therapeutic alliance with us. Clients who have squirrelled away an impressive amount of lifetime acorns are awarded the acorn rewards status called “Telos Trees”. To meet the 2021 Telos Tree status you will have squirrelled away over 5,000 lifetime acorns with Telos by 1 December 2021. Follow these links for more information on acorn stash size thresholds and benefits.

Only clients who meet the Telos Tree status are able to get a discount (transfer some acorn credits) when purchasing a Telos service as a gift to a friend or family member.

Don’t forget to squirrel some acorns away for yourself for unexpected ‘hard winters’ when you may want or need more clinic services - like a relaxing massage, help with a niggling pain or minor injury!

If you don’t have that many acorns, don’t miss out on the benefits of staying active and mitigating setbacks!

Even if you don’t have the Telos Tree status yet, rewards are still available. Don’t miss out! Stay active with Telos when you are doing well and when you’re not - we are here to help and sometimes have surprises in store for those active at the time. Staying active with us when you’re doing well aims to mitigate setbacks while improving long term benefits. We reward clients and students who are working towards establishing a long-term, ongoing therapeutic alliance with us.

Get healthier while supporting our local country park in 2020!

Get healthier while supporting our local country park in 2020!


Telos also seeks to help others on their wellbeing journey, even if they are not Telos customers.

We supported Milton Country Park, a part of Cambridge Sport Lakes Trust. They are a charity whose grounds and services provide invaluable space and opportunity for healthy living in the Cambridge area. They have been affected by covid19 lockdown and we want to keep this key asset in our community thriving. Especially as so many of us have appreciated the country park even more during covid19 lockdown.

5% of annual profits go to The Road Not Taken, this is a charitable endeavour Kay aspires to bring to fruition. Her vision for The Road Not Taken began many years ago during her own road to rehabilitation and she has raised and set aside funds for it.

If you or someone you love has endured a health challenge, you may be familiar with how arts, crafts and nature often provide a healing outlet. The Road Not Taken would like to offer a local arts and crafts fair that is dedicated to celebrate the arts and crafts of those currently on a health challenge journey. Site location would preferably be climate controlled and within or near a natural woodland area that is accessible to all abilities. Let us know if you are interested in The Road Not Taken.



Telos strives towards an eco-effective business including its choice of partners and supplies. For example, Telos has chosen a leading sustainability printer and FSC certified paper for its business cards and GOTS Soil Association Certified linens for its clinic treatments. Researching eco-effective alternatives for our supplies/suppliers is often far more time intensive - the environment is worth it.

For those activities which Telos is unable to find an eco-effective alternative, or that are beyond resource restraints, Telos strives to find the an appropriate solution, encourages suppliers to consider eco-effective options and/or offsets impacts as part of a continuous learning process. For example, Telos business mileage is mostly done via EV; all trips, especially non-EV, are being tracked to be offset. We have also shared leading publications and business case studies with suppliers who were interested in sustainability.

If you would like to learn more about sustainability, please contact us.